
 Born African

As immigrants we struggle sometimes to find our identity, it feel like we are no mans land, we losing our language, our culture, our memories yet we are not fully ingrained into the new culture that has adopted us. we often feel like we need to choose one over the other in order to fit and we often do.
at Born African we believe in having the best of both worlds     
 we often move to the new-lands due to lack of opportunities, violence and corruption. To building a better tomorrow we should embody and embrace the best parts of the new-land and we should also embody and embrace the beautiful culture that we have in the motherland.

 Building a better tomorrow?

Building a better tomorrow starts education and empowerment. we don't need anymore opportunity we need inventors, entrepreneurs, creatives. there are ample opportunities in the motherland. What can we are going to do is go back to educate and empower our little brothers to see the abundance of opportunities.

how can you help?

when you purchase a Born African garment you also helping build a better future today, 10% of the Born African profit will go towards sponsoring a child until we build a school and a school program of our own.
Embracing the motherland and the new-land embrace with pride by sponsoring a child.

building a better future one purchase and donation at a time.